Research Topics and Seminar I: Fall 2022

Class time and location
Wednesdays 2:00-3:00 (Room: SCI-S Room 179)

* No self-evaluation
* No peer-evaluation
* No response to peer evaluation
* Absence
* No presentation
  1. Sara Alsrayea./
  2. Raghad Alrefaei./
  3. Ali Garashi./

Seminar Topics: Medical Biotechnology.

HA selected examples:
Your presentation should include:
  1. Title, student name, course, presentation date-slide.
  2. Paper front page and abstract-slide.
  3. General info about the organism-slide(s).
  4. General info about the problem/goal of the study-slide(s).
  5. General description about the methods used-silde(s).
  6. Result (each figure or table in a separate slide).
  7. Discussion slide about the usefulness of the study.
  8. A final slide about your ideas/suggestions/ethical issues for implementing such studies in Kuwait.
To Do:
  1.  Search for a biotechnology research paper that is related to the seminar topic and send a pdf to your instructor for approval.
  2. Make a powerpoint file named (YourName_501).
  3. Send a copy of your presentation a day before your actual presentation.
  4. Non-presenters should read the paper and prepare to engage in discussion.
  5. If it is possible, we will repeat the process with a second publication.
Useful files:
  1. Powerpoint presentation template ().
  2. Self evaluation template ().
  3. Peer evaluation template ().
  4. Response of peer evaluation template ().
Seminar 1 – 5/10/22: Course planning, scientific publications, finding good ones
– HA

Seminar 2 – 12/10/22: How to read a scientific paper? – HA

Seminar 3 – 19/10/22: Making a good presentation – HA

Seminar 4 – 26/10/22: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy with a Lentiviral Vector in X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy – Sara Alsrayea

Seminar 5 – 2/11/22: Development of small interfering RNA delivery system using PEI-PEG-APRPG polymer for antiangiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor tumor-targeted therapy – Raghad Alrefaei

Seminar 10 – 7/12/22: Studies on the immunogenic potential of plant-expressed cholera toxin B subunit – Sara Alsrayea

Seminar 11 – 14/12/22: Tumor selective uptake of drug-nanodiamond complexes improves therapeutic outcome in pancreatic cancer – Raghad Alrefaei