Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence (301)

Below are the lectures prepared for the class.  Click on the title of the lecture and it will take you to SlideShare website where you can download the material as pdf.

Lec 1: General Introduction
Lec 2: Review of genetics
Lec 3: Mendel’s experiments and factors
Lec 4: The genome: genetic material
Lec 5: DNA chemical composition
Lec 6: DNA structure and genetic code
Lec 7: Genomic coding and non-coding
Lec 8: Cells and DNA sources
Lec 9: DNA extraction
Lec 10: DNA Quality and Quantity
Lec 11: PCR
Lec 12: DNA sequencing: Sanger method
Lec 13: Genome assembly & resequencing
Lec 14: Polymorphisms: repeats & SNPs
Lec 15: Genotyping STR
Lec 16: Genotyping SNPs
Lec 17: Bi-allelic vs. multi-allelic markers
Lec 18: STR: Allele/genotype frequencies
Lec 19: SNP: Allele/genotype frequencies
Lec 20: Objective vs. subjective evidence
Lec 21: Panel of molecular markers
Lec 22: Frequency database
Lec 23: Genetic profiling
Lec 24: Probability of match/exclusion


Figures, photos, and graphs in my lectures are collected using google searches.  I do not claim to have personally produced the material (except for some). I do cite only articles or books used. I thank all owners of the visual aid that I use and apologize for not citing each individual item.  If anybody finds the inclusion of their material in my lectures a violation of their copy rights, please contact me via email.